Do one or several of these investigations and think about the results.
• Measure the temperature in the snow and compare with the temperature in the air.
• Mix ice or snow with water in a beaker and measure the temperature. What will happen if you change the proportions of the mix? Try to explain.
• Put ice or snow in a beaker. Measure the temperature. Pour salt in the beaker and stir. Do the temperature change? Why or why not?
• Measure the air temperature with a common thermometer. Wrap a thin kitchen paper around the thermometer and make the paper wet. Does the temperature change? Wave the wet thermometer and make a new reading. Try to explain.
Imagine if you are living in the Arctic.
• What temperature do you think it is in the sea below the ice and how do you react if you are falling in the water?
• How will the weather affect on your body if it is blowing or if you are wet?
• If you melt sea ice, will the water be salty or fresh?

Iceberg in Labrador Sea