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Thursday, 05 March 2009 02:04
BLAST! the Movie
BLAST! is astrophysics Indiana Jones style, a risky adventure story that takes you on an exciting and enlightening journey around the world and across the Universe to launch a revolutionary new telescope on a NASA high-altitude balloon in an effort to understand the origins or our Universe. Five time Emmy winner Paul Devlin follows the story of his brother, Mark Devlin PhD, as he leads a tenacious team of scientists hoping to figure out how all the galaxies formed by launching a revolutionary new telescope under a NASA high-altitude balloon. Their adventure takes them from Arctic Sweden to Inuit polar bear country in Canada, where catastrophic failure forces the team to try all over again on the desolate ice in Antarctica. No less than the understanding of the...
Published in News And Announcements
Tuesday, 03 March 2009 19:40
On thin ice in the Bering Sea
A documentary by Tom Litwin, Clark Science Center and Lawrence R. Hott, Florentine Films/Hott Productions Watch video podcasts from the documentary. The Bering Sea – the oval of water between the Aleutians and the Bering Strait – is no ordinary or inconsequential place. The Bering Sea touches two continents, joins two great oceans, spans hemi¬spheres. It’s huge – one and a half times the size of Alaska – and wondrous. It is home to twenty-six species of marine mammals, including twelve kinds of whales, and over 450 species of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks; no less than 80% of the U.S. seabird population spends...
Published in News And Announcements
Tuesday, 03 March 2009 19:36
NOVA: On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea: Part Four
In this series of video stories, On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea, explore the past and future of the fast-changing Bering Sea region, its culture and people, and the new polar science that is emerging from an expedition on board the Coast Guard cutter Healy. On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea is a production of Florentine Films/Hott Productions, Inc. in association with the Clark Science Center at Smith College. Produced by Lawrence R. Hott and Tom Litwin. For full credits, go to Copyright 2009 Florentine Films/Hott Productions, Inc.
Published in NOVA Online
Tuesday, 03 March 2009 19:35
NOVA: On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea: Part Three
In this series of video stories, On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea, explore the past and future of the fast-changing Bering Sea region, its culture and people, and the new polar science that is emerging from an expedition on board the Coast Guard cutter Healy. On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea is a production of Florentine Films/Hott Productions, Inc. in association with the Clark Science Center at Smith College. Produced by Lawrence R. Hott and Tom Litwin. For full credits, go to Copyright 2009 Florentine Films/Hott Productions, Inc.
Published in NOVA Online
Tuesday, 03 March 2009 19:24
NOVA: On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea: Part One
In this series of video stories, On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea, explore the past and future of the fast-changing Bering Sea region, its culture and people, and the new polar science that is emerging from an expedition on board the Coast Guard cutter Healy. On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea is a production of Florentine Films/Hott Productions, Inc. in association with the Clark Science Center at Smith College. Produced by Lawrence R. Hott and Tom Litwin. For full credits, go to Copyright 2009 Florentine Films/Hott Productions, Inc.
Published in NOVA Online
Monday, 02 March 2009 16:29
Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Issue 12: Polar Plants
Did you know that Antarctica is home to just two species of plants? At the opposite end of the earth, over a thousand plant species grow on the Arctic tundra. And that’s not counting the many species of algae and lichens that are not classified as plants. Polar Plants, Issue 12 of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears magazine explores plants and the hardy species that can be found in the polar regions. In this month's issue, you can: Learn about the plants, fungi, algae, and lichens of the polar regions and their adaptations fo...
Published in News And Announcements
Wednesday, 25 February 2009 19:00
Polar research reveals new evidence of global environmental change
This press release is available for download as a PDF in these languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese - Brazil, Portuguese - Portugal, ...
Published in News And Announcements
Wednesday, 25 February 2009 19:00
The State of Polar Research: Document, press release
The State of Polar Research is a statement from the International Council for Science / World Meteorological Organization Joint Committee for the International Polar Year 2007–2008. It is available for download in PDF format in these languages: English Spanish French ...
Published in News And Announcements
Friday, 20 February 2009 23:16
Students on Ice University Expedition 2009
Video of the inaugural Students on Ice University credit course Expedition to Antarctica. Follow the students and staff from Grise Fiord, Nunavut - the northernmost community in the Americas - to Ushuaia, Argentina - the southernmost city in the world! - on their journey to the frozen continent.
Published in Students on Ice
Wednesday, 11 February 2009 15:34
Students on Ice off to Antarctica
Geoff Green, Executive Director of Students on Ice Expeditions writes: We leave tomorrow on our next SOI Antarctic Expedition! This expedition is special for many reasons! It is our first University credit course program. We have 71 students participating from 12 countries. Lots of interesting people, including two young Inuit youth from Canada's northernmost community Grise Fiord. They will be participating in an IPY project during our expedition to compare and contrast the Polar Regions and the impacts of climate change. Thanks to the support of Canada's IPY Federal Program, we are making a one-hour documentary about their journey and their connection to the late Dr. Fritz Koerner. We also have students and staff from across Canada, ...
Published in News And Announcements
Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
Friends of IPY
Fri, 25 Nov 2011XEFS
Fri, 25 Nov 2011Segona edició de la festa...
Fri, 25 Nov 2011Concurs "Cristal·lització a l'Escola"
Fri, 25 Nov 2011Per què envellim?
Thu, 24 Nov 2011Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Not the Time...