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Nicola Munro
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Tuesday, 17 February 2009 18:08
Polar Oceans Day: March 2009
Throughout the week of March 17th - 26th, the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-8 will be celebrating its eighth polar day, this time focussing on 'Polar Oceans'. This includes physical oceanography and marine biodiversity. These Days are designed as a way for the general public, teachers, and their classes to learn more about the Polar Regions and connect directly to polar researchers through simple, fun, and accessible activities. We also encourage students to launch a virtual weather balloon once completing the activity: it's great fun watching balloons go up as classrooms around the world get involved. The new “Polar Oceans” pages can be found via the Educators section of, or directly at ...
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Thursday, 12 February 2009 03:11
Polar Oceans: Why are the oceans warming up so much?
Back to Polar Oceans Home page Back to educational activities page You can download this bookmark as a PDF and the activity text as a Word document Background: The ocean plays a huge role in climate change. Covering 70% of the globe, they store 1,000 times more heat than the atmosphere (water can store four times more heat per...
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Tuesday, 10 February 2009 19:38
IPY Report: February 2009
Content: 1. IPY feature projects throughout February 2. Issue of the State of Polar Research Report, Feb 25th 3. Update from HAIS meeting 4. Archiving IPY: a process for storing your critical files for the future 5. Polar Oceans Day : a chance to engage the public 6. IPY Success? Report no. 22, February 2009 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. IPY feature projects throughout February Many thanks to all projects and participants who have been busy preparing concise summary and media material for our February profile. In the lead-up to the release of the State of Polar Research report on February...
Published in News And Announcements
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Thursday, 05 February 2009 16:54
Polar Oceans: Biological Ocean
Thanks to Jenny Rock, Biological Sciences, Bangor University, Wales & Falk Huettmann, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. South Orkney Composite courtesy of David Barnes, British Antarctic Survey Polar ecosystems The polar regions remain one of the least studied and understood ecosystems on the planet, despite their influential role in driving many global climatic processes. The polar marine environment is a unique habitat rich in species adapted to extreme conditions. In both the Arctic and the Antarctic, physical isolation, marked seasonal cycles of photoperiod/nutrient availability, ...
Published in Features
Thursday, 05 February 2009 16:50
Polar Oceans: Physical Ocean
Many thanks to Rachael Mueller (College of Oceanic and Atmospherice Sciences, Oregon State University) and Jenny Rock ( School of Biological Sciences, Bangor University) for writing this piece about the Physical Ocean. Thanks to the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists, APECS, for connecting us all. Lars Poort The dramatic landscape of the polar regions has been captured in breath-taking images that show a unique combination of mountains, ice and surreal lighting. More difficult to see, however, is the complexity of t...
Published in Features
Wednesday, 04 February 2009 19:32
Polar Oceans: Food Web Activity - 'What's for Lunch?'
Image: Lloyd Peck, British Antarctic Survey This activity is also available in downloadable flyers in many languages. Download these posters (pdfs) from the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (Please note - Permission of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery must be obtained before any re-use of this image): ...
Published in Features
Wednesday, 04 February 2009 00:11
Polar Bear Activity
Back to Polar Oceans Page Back to Polar Oceans Educational Activities Page This activity can be downloaded as a Word document (c) PHOTO Mireille de la Lez from ...
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Tuesday, 03 February 2009 22:42
Deep Ocean Circulation Activity
Back to Polar Oceans Page Back to Polar Oceans Educational Activities Page This activity can also be downloaded as a Word document Robert Simmon, NASA. Minor modifications by Robert A. Rohde (Public Domain) Background: Circulation ...
Published in links and resources
Tuesday, 03 February 2009 19:17
Ocean Surface Currents Activity
Back to Polar Oceans Page Back to Polar Oceans Educational Activities Page This activity can also be downloaded as a Word document. Image from ...
Published in links and resources
Thursday, 15 January 2009 22:55
Polar Oceans: What's On & Live Events
Polar Oceans activities are occurring around the world during the last two weeks of March 2009. This includes live events connecting researchers in the field to classrooms on every continent, local events at science centres and museums, and lectures and schools visits by polar researchers. Jill Zamzow Two events have been specifically developed for teachers, members of the public, and classes around the world who will join remotely. Download this flyer listing these events. All you need to join is internet and sp...
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Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
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Fri, 02 Dec 2011Importància quiropterològica del delta del...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Jornada «El 2012, de què...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Missatge 12: Com era el...
Wed, 30 Nov 2011L'estat del malestar