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Wednesday, 17 December 2008 22:29
International Polar Year - Overview
Dr Rhian Salmon, IPY Education and Outreach Coordinator, narrates this presentation overview of The International Polar Year 2007-2008
Published in The World Ocean Observatory
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 22:24
IPY - meet Atmospheric chemist Dr Rhian Salmon
Published in The World Ocean Observatory
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 22:20
International Polar Year - Introduction
Dr Rhian Salmon, IPY Education and Outreach Coordinator, gives an overview of the International Polar Year 2007 - 2008.
Published in The World Ocean Observatory
Tuesday, 16 December 2008 20:46
Special presidential representative for international cooperation on Arctic and Antarctica appointed
Zhongshan Station serves as the logistical hub of Chinese scientific research activities in East Antarctica and in the near future it will be a support platform for the new Kunlun Station to be constructed at Dome A. Situated in a small ice-free coastal region between the ice sheet and the ocean, Zhongshan Station serves as a base for scientists conducting research at the station and out in the field. In his latest report, SciencePoles reporter Je...
Published in News And Announcements
Tuesday, 09 December 2008 19:01
Arctic Report Card 2008
Clear, reliable, concise information on recent Arctic environmental conditions relative to historical time series records. Provided by NOAA with annual updates. Material presented in the Report Card is prepared by an international team of scientists and is peer-reviewed by topical experts of the Climate Experts Group (AMAP) of the Arctic Council. The Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) provides collaborative support through the delivery and editing of the biological elements of the Report Card. The audience for the Arctic Report Card is wide, including scientists, students, teachers, decision makers and the general public interested in Arctic environment and science. The web-based format will facilitate future time...
Published in links and resources
Tuesday, 09 December 2008 18:57
NOAA Arctic Theme Page
Below is a list of Press officers responsible for IPY events around the world. Please also consult National IPY Committees for information on national events. ICSU:
Published in links and resources
Tuesday, 09 December 2008 02:16
IPY Report: December 2008
Content: 1. IPY Data letters to National Committees 2. Publications, Reports, Special Issues 3. IPY Celebrations, February 2009 4. IPY at AGU Conference, December 2008 5. Current Antarctic Season 6. Images 7. IPY Closure over Holiday Season Report no. 20, December 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. IPY Data Management letters The IPY Joint Committee co-chairs have sent Data Management letters to 10 IPY National Committees (Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK). These letters encourage those countries that have national IP...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 08 December 2008 23:30
Polar Honors of the Russian Geographical Society 1845-1995
Today, Thursday December 4th, IPY is celebrating it's seventh International Polar Day, this time focussing on research Above The Polar Regions. In conjunction with this event, several IPY partners have released new information about their projects. Here are some examples: *** Global Interagency IPY Polar Year Snapshot GIIPSY ...
Published in News And Announcements